
Winners and nominees of the 1st Screen Actors Guild Awards
Best Actor
Morgan Freeman in The Shawshank Redemption
Paul Newman in Nobody's Fool
Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump
Tim Robbins in The Shawshank Redemption
John Travolta in Pulp Fiction
Best Actress
Jessica Lange in Blue Sky
Meg Ryan in When a Man Loves a Woman
Susan Sarandon in The Client
Jodie Foster in Nell
Meryl Streep in The River Wild
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Martin Landau in Ed Wood
Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction
Chazz Palminteri in Bullets Over Broadway
Gary Sinise in Forrest Gump
John Turturro in Quiz Show
Best Actress in a Leading Role
Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies
Dianne Wiest in Bullets Over Broadway
Sally Field in Forrest Gump
Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction
Robin Wright in Forrest Gump
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American Society of Cinematographers Awards ASC
Costume Designers Guild Awards CDG
Art Directors Guild Awards ADG 2012
Directors Guild of America Awards DGA 2012
Producers Guild of America Awards PGA 2012
Screen Actors Guild Awards SAG 2012
Writers Guild of America Awards WGA 2012
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