
1962 Movies Nominees and winners to Oscar in the
35th Edition of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Hollywood Awards
Nominated Films
10 Nominations
Lawrence of Arabia
8 Nominations
To Kill a Mockingbird
7 Nominations
Mutiny on the Bounty
6 Nominations
Meredith Willson's The Music Man
5 Nominations
Days of Wine and Roses
The Longest Day
The Miracle Worker
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
4 Nominations
Birdman of Alcatraz
The Wonderful World of the Brothers
3 Nominations
Divorce--Italian Style
Sweet Bird of Youth
That Touch of Mink
7 Academy Awards
Lawrence of Arabia
3 Academy Awards
To Kill a Mockingbirdr
2 Academy Awards
The Miracle Worker
The Longest Day
1 Academy Award
Sweet Bird of Youth
Sundays and Cybele
Divorce--Italian Style
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
The Wonderful Worl of the Brothers
Meredith Willson's the Muscic Man
Days Of Wine And Roses
Oscar by Oscar
Oscars 1961 Oscars 1963
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American Society of Cinematographers Awards ASC
Costume Designers Guild Awards CDG
Art Directors Guild Awards ADG 2012
Directors Guild of America Awards DGA 2012
Producers Guild of America Awards PGA 2012
Screen Actors Guild Awards SAG 2012
Writers Guild of America Awards WGA 2012
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